Mom Passed Away is a perfect funeral poem that captures the essence of a mother’s love and is the perfect tribute to her memory. It is an emotional and heartfelt funeral song that will touch everyone attending the memorial service. The poem describes how lucky we are to have had such a kind, loving, and beautiful mother in our lives who was a best friend, teacher, confidante and so much more. It also speaks of how her love was beyond words and that it was truly special. This beautiful choice of poem for your mom’s funeral helps keep alive her memory by celebrating all those things she was for us — our kindest critic, our strongest supporter, our most loyal companion — all rolled into one! Mothers are irreplaceable and although they may no longer be with us physically their love continues on forever within us.
A lovely poem to read at a funeral is ‘Mom Passed Away‘ which speaks of the tender moments of a mother’s love. Everyone listening can feel the warmth of her hands as she cradles her baby, and how their love will remain until they are reunited on the shore. The reader can find solace in knowing that no matter what happens, a mother’s love for her child will never be found wanting. It is an incredibly touching poem that reminds us all of just how powerful and timeless mothers’ love truly is, particularly during times like these when we are gathered together to pay tribute to our lost one.
Some Useful Resources
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